Matthew, The Gospel of

(εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Μαθθαῖον, euaggélion katá Maththaíon (or Ματθαῖον, Matthaíon)):

The “Gospel according to Matthew,” i.e. the Gospel according to the account of Matthew, stands, according to traditional, but not entirely universal, arrangement, first among the canonical Gospels. The Gospel, as will be seen below, was unanimously ascribed by the testimony of the ancient church to the apostle Matthew, though the title does not of itself necessarily imply immediate authorship. The unity and integrity of the Gospel were never in ancient times called in question. Matthew 1; 2, particularly—the story of the virgin birth and childhood of Jesus—are proved by the consentient testimony of manuscripts, VSS, and patristic references, to have been an integral part of the Gospel from the beginning (see VIRGIN BIRTH). The omission of this section from the heretical Gospel of the Ebionites, which appears to have had some relation to our Gospel, is without significance.

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Author: International Std. Bible Encyclopedia

Keywords: Matthew The Gospel of, Gospel of Matthew

Bible reference(s): Matthew 1:1

Source: James Orr (editor), The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 5 volume set.

Page indexed by: inWORD Bible Software.