Jesus Dies Upon the Cross (1917)

Jesus Dies Upon the Cross (1917)

Jesus Dies Upon the Cross (1917)

Description: Jesus Dies Upon the Cross (1917)
Artist: Eric Gill
Legal: Image is in the public domain.

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Author: Eric Gill

Keywords: Pierced, Jesus pierced, Christ pierced, Soldier pierces Jesus' side, Roman soldier pierces Jesus, Jesus' death, Jesus death on the cross, Jesus on the cross, Jesus crucified, Crucifixion of Jesus, Crucifiction of Jesus, Crucifixion of Christ, Crucifiction of Christ, Christ on the cross

Bible reference(s): John 19:34, John 19:37, Matthew 27:33, Matthew 27:35, Matthew 27:50, Mark 15:20, Mark 15:25, Mark 15:37, Luke 23:33, Luke 23:46, John 19:18, John 19:30

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