The Gogian Invasion: Before or After Jesus' Return?

Question: Do the events in Ezekiel 38 and 39 — the Gogian invasion — begin before or after the return of Christ?

Answer: This question is one on which there are at least two differing views among students of prophecy. Some, like this present writer, may have changed from one view to the other as the Bible evidence in favour and against each is weighed. The apostle Peter teaches us that the things concerning the manner of time for the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow are things which “angels desire to look into” (1 Peter 1:11-12). Therefore, it is meet that we, as Bible students should profitably consider questions that concern the future work of our Lord in the earth.

 In the writer’s view, it is challenging, to say the least, to try to fit together the pieces of the sequence of events concerning the transition of the earth from “the kingdoms of this world” to “the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.” It is much like completing a jigsaw puzzle. We have the completed picture outlined in the word of God but we do not necessarily understand how each detail connects to the other leading to its fulfillment. For this reason, it is helpful to approach this kind of question with humility, recognizing that the way we think the pieces may best fit together may not turn out to be correct. The most appropriate course is to lay out the Bible evidence, reflect on it and ponder it, in a sincere effort to determine what the word of God teaches.

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Author: The Advocate

Keywords: Gog, Gogue, Magog, Gogian invasion, Gog and Magog, Return of Christ, Return of Jesus

Bible reference(s): Micah 5:4-7, Joel 2:20-21, Ezekiel 38:1-23, Ezekiel 39:1-29

Source: “Question Box,” The Christadelphian Advocate.

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