Bereishit I

“The earth was unformed and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep; and the spirit of G–d hovered over the face of the water.” —Bereishit 1:2

The Midrash (Bereishit Rabba 2:4) reads this verse as a prophetic allusion to Jewish history. The terms “unformed,” “empty,” “darkness” and “deep” refer to the four empires which oppressed, persecuted and exiled the Jewish nation. The phrase “the spirit of G–d hovered...” refers to Moshiach [Messiah], the ultimate redeemer, as it is said: “The spirit of G–d will rest upon him” (Isaiah 11:2).

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Author: Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet

Keywords: Messiah, Mashiach, Moshiach, In the beginning, Spirit of Messiah

Bible reference(s): Genesis 1:2, Isaiah 11:2, John 1:1-3, John 17:24

Source: Living with Moshiach, Kehot Publication Society.

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