Adam and Eve Driven from Eden by an Angel (ca. 1750, etching)

Adam and Eve Driven from Eden by an Angel (ca. 1750, etching)

Adam and Eve Driven from Eden by an Angel (ca. 1750, etching)

Description: Adam and Eve Driven from Eden by an Angel (ca. 1750, etching)
Artist: Johann Elias Ridinger
Legal: Image is in the public domain.

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Author: Johann Elias Ridinger

Keywords: Expulsion, Expulsion from Eden, Expulsion from the garden, Garden of Eden, Eden, Paradise, Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve in the Garden, Garden Paradise, Paradise of God, Garden of God, Cherubim, Expelled, Expelled from Eden, Cast out of the Garden, Adam and Eve expelled, Adam and Eve cast out

Bible reference(s): Genesis 3:22-24

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