Inerrancy and Mark's Rich, Matthew's Young, Luke's Ruler

[Biblical] inerrantists as a principle often admit that minor variations in historical reports are well within the parameters of Scripture’s truthfulness. In Thy word is Truth, E. J. Young provides the following example:

Mr. A. says to me, ‘Will you please tell Mr. B that I should like to see him as soon as it is convenient?’ I go to Mr. B and say, “Mr. A says that he would like to see you as soon as you can make it’. I have given correctly the message of Mr. A, but I have not given a verbatim repetition. It is quite possible that the evangelists likewise did not intent to report the conversations verbatim.5

However, when it comes to concrete test cases, Young and other inerrantists seem to retreat from this principle and seek to vindicate the complete historical veracity of every word. Consider, for example, Young’s harmonization of the Gospel accounts of the Rich Young Ruler.

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Author: Mark M. Mattison

Keywords: Rich young ruler, riches, young ruler, Inerrant, Bible Inerrant, Bible inerrancy, inerrancy, Bible without errors, errors, Bible full of errors, discrepancies, Bible discrepancies, Bible discrepancy, Errancy, Scriptures inerrant, Scriptures without errors, infallible, Bible infallible, Scriptures infallible, Bible is the word of God, inspired Bible, inspired Scriptures, Scriptures inspired, inspired word of God

Bible reference(s): Matthew 19:16-17, Matthew 19:22, Mark 10:17-18, Mark 10:22, Luke 18:18-19, Luke 18:18

Source: Is the Bible Inerrant?

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