Stoic Philosophers Thought the Logos as the Power of God

A Tamworth correspondent writes as follows:—

I would like to call attention to your reference on page 122 of the April Testimony in which you say: ‘The Stoic philosophers thought of logos as the power shaping the world in conformity with a specific purpose’ and add later, ‘They were not far from the truth revealed in Genesis’ Here to my way of thinking is the answer to the problem. Think of logos as power, and then go to John 1:1. It there states that the Word (logos or power) was with God in the beginning; that this Word (logos or power) was with God, and that the Word (logos or power) was God. How in keeping with this is the whole of Scripture teaching! Genesis 1:2—‘The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters’ ‘Spirit’ is power. ‘By His spirit (or power) He hath garnished the heavens…’ ‘He divideth the sea with His power’ (Job 26 vv. 12-13). ‘He spake, and it was done’ (Psalms 38:9). ‘God said, Let there be light, and there was light’ (Genesis 1:3). The spoken word revealed the spirit or power of God. This is what John says was in the beginning. The word, or spirit, or power, was with God… and it was God. John does not say, ‘In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God’ such a rendering of John 1:1 would support the Doctrine of the Trinity, but would destroy the whole Scripture teaching concerning God and the nature of His beloved Son, whom we believe had no pre-existence before his birth except in the mind and purpose of the Father. This is made very clear by the Apostle Peter in Acts 2: vv. 22 and 23. “He (Jesus) being delivered the Word, and the Word the Word was God” by the determinate counsel and fore-knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain. Here we see that ‘known unto God are all His works from the beginning’

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Author: W. D.

Keywords: Trinity, Logos, God the Son, The Trinity, Trinitarian, Jesus is God, Word made flesh, God manifest in the flesh, God incarnate, incarnation

Bible reference(s): John 1:1-3, John 1:14

Source: “In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” The Testimony, Vol. 21, No. 249, September 1951, p. 256.

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