John's Converts Need Not Have Been Re-Baptised?

I was very interested in the article in the March Testimony on the baptism of John. Unfortunately, I have not had the previous copies dealing with the subject, so please forgive me if I mention anything dealt with in the earlier articles.

Leaving out for the present, the reference in Acts 19, as it is a contested passage, the known facts about John’s baptism are:—

1. It was for the remission of sins (Mark 1:4).
2. It was “in the Name of him who should come after,” i.e. in the Name of Jesus (John 1:25-31 and Acts 19:4).
3. Jesus submitted to it, and endorsed its value. (Matthew 3:15).
4. John baptised at the same time as Jesus. Both baptised before the Sacrifice was offered on Calvary. (John 3:22-23).
5. His Baptism was sent from God. (John 1:33).

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Author: P. H. Adams

Keywords: Baptism, Rebaptism, Rebaptize, Anabaptism, Anabaptist, John's baptism, John's converts rebaptized, rebaptized, rebaptised, John's converts rebaptised, John's disciples rebaptized, John's disciples rebaptised, baptized again, baptised again, second baptism, John the baptist, baptism unto repentance, remission of sins, baptize for remission of sins, John the baptizer, John the baptiser, baptised, baptized, believer's baptism, adult baptism, baptism necessary, necesssity of baptism, necessary to be baptized, John baptized, John baptised

Bible reference(s): Mat 3:11, Mat 21:25, Mat 28:19, Mark 1:4, Mar 11:30, Luk 7:29, Luk 20:4, John 1:25-31, John 1:33, John 3:22-23, Act 18:25, Acts 19:3-5

Source: “The Baptism of John,” The Testimony, Vol. 17, No. 200, August 1947, pp. 282-5.

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