Top Ten Gifts for Husbands

“So what does the husband want out of this marriage?” my supervisor asked. I had a whole list describing what the wife I was treating in therapy wanted, but I had almost nothing written down about the husband’s goals. Every time I asked him he just shrugged, and when his wife spoke, he usually glanced longingly at the door.

I had a page of notes from my first session with the couple detailing their backgrounds. I quickly turned to that page and began telling my supervisor how the husband must want security because he was insecure as a child, he must want control because his mother was so controlling, he must want approval because his father never gave it to him. My supervisor interrupted me with a kind smile and said, “Basically, you have no idea what the husband wants.”

I looked up from my notes. “You’re right, I have no idea. He never answers me when I ask. And the few times that he starts to answer, his wife interrupts him.”

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Keywords: Husbands, Wives, Wife, Wives submit, Gifts for husbands, What men want, Advice to women, Advice to wives, Infidelity, Marriage, Marrying, Courtship, Relationships, Dating, Submit yourself to your husband, Respect your husband, Husband respect

Bible reference(s): Genesis 2:24, Proverbs 5:18-19, Ecclesiastes 9:9, Ephesians 5:22-23, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:33, 1 Peter 3:4-6

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