Is Genesis 1 In Harmony With Science?

Many special creationists believe Genesis 1 was written in harmony with (and even to teach), specific scientific facts; a view called concordism. Over the centuries concordists proposed countless models trying to justify interpreting Genesis 1 as describing a scientifically accurate description of the universe, and especially of the creation of the solar system and life on earth.

Benoit de Maillet (1720), proposed that the separation of the waters from the earth in verse 4, referred to the gradual withdrawal of the vast oceans covering the earth’s surface, which formed the mountains and prompted the growth of vegetation. Richard Kirwain (1797), suggested that Genesis 1:1 described the earth as initially a fluid mass, that the spirit of God moving on the waters (Genesis 1), described the evaporation of water as the earth become solid, and that the creation of light (Genesis 1:3), was the result of volcanic activity.

Hugh Miller (in a work published posthumously, 1857), believed the early verses of Genesis 1 described the laying down of the earliest of the earth’s geological strata, and that evening and morning became apparent when the earth had cooled and its atmosphere had become less dense, allowing the sun and moon to be seen from earth.

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Author: Jon Burke

Keywords: Concordism, Creation, Creationism, Creation and Science

Bible reference(s): Gen 1

Source: Jon Burke.

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