Pekudei I

“These are the accounts of the mishkan (Tabernacle), mishkan ha’edut (the Tabernacle of Testimony)...” —Pekudei 38:21

Our sages note that the term mishkan is mentioned twice in this verse. This two-fold reference is an allusion to the Mikdash (Sanctuary in Jerusalem) which was taken away as a mashkon (collateral) for Israel’s repentance, by being destroyed twice (i.e., the first Beit Hamikdash [Jerusalem Temple] and the second Beit Hamikdash) for the iniquities of Israel.

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Author: Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet

Keywords: Pledge, Surety, Guarantee, Tabernacle, Tabernacle of Testimony, Tent of the Meeting, Mishkan, Mikdash, Beit Hamikdash

Bible reference(s): Exodus 38:21

Source: Living with Moshiach, Kehot Publication Society.

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